October 8, 2024 This Week in Hearing
- Dr. Jian Zuo, CEO of Ting Therapeutics, appears in the new episode of This Week in Hearing and discusses the latest updates on otoprotective agents with Co-Host Brain Taylor.
October 3, 2024 Partnology’s Biotech Leader Spotlight Series
- Dr. Jian Zuo, CEO of Ting Therapeutics, is featured in this week’s Biotech Leader Spotlight Series by Partnology.
- https://www.linkedin.com/posts/partnology_hearing-biomedical-bioengineering-activity-7247659170420695040-SijZ?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
August 20-22, 2024 Boston, MA, 4th Annual Inner Ear Disorders Therapeutics Summit
- Conference Presentation: Repurposing Small Molecule Therapeutics to Prevent Cisplatin-Induced & Noise-Induced Hearing Loss, Dr. Tal Teitz, Ting Therapeutics
Ting Therapeutics Receives A NIH SBIR Phase II Award And Publishes A Paper on Drugs Protecting Against Antibiotics-Induced Hearing Loss
Ting Therapeutics Receives A NIH SBIR Phase II Award And Publishes A Paper On Drugs Protecting Against Antibiotics-Induced Hearing Loss
- Early Proof of Concept Obtained in Animal Models
- A publication in Science Translational Medicine (Impact Factor 19.3)
San Diego, CA August 7, 2024– Ting Therapeutics, a privately-held company focused on advancing novel and repurposed molecules to address multiple causes of hearing loss, has been awarded a NIH SBIR phase II grant related to antibiotics-induced hearing loss. This award is in part based on a new publication in today’s issue of the prestigious journal Science Translational Medicine (Impact Factor of 19.3). See: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/scitranslmed.adn2140.
As described in the publication, Dr. Jian Zuo, Co-Founder and CEO of Ting Therapeutics, and his colleagues characterized a drug, piplartine (TT003), that protects against antibiotics-induced hearing loss in zebrafish and mice as early proof-of-concept data. Further research provides TT003’s in vivo mechanisms of action. These findings are the subject of recent patent filings by Ting Therapeutics.
This work was supported, in part, by a NIH SBIR phase I grant to Ting Therapeutics, which has been now competitively extended to a NIH phase II grant award to develop TT003 as a safe and effective drug for treatment and prevention of antibiotics-induced hearing loss. See: https://reporter.nih.gov/search/dw4ikGQHcEuaoYP1odd-FA/project-details/10921935.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), hearing loss affects at least 10% of the world population, amounting to over 700 million people. The major causes include pharmaceuticals such as certain antibiotic and chemotherapy agents, noise exposure, and aging. Antibiotics-induced hearing loss represents a major unmet need for which no FDA-approved drugs are available. Antibiotics are commonly used to treat serious, life-threatening bacterial infections, such as in Cystic Fibrosis patients. Such treatments cause permanent hearing loss in up to 90% of treated patients leading to a significant reduction in the quality of life, ability to secure or retain jobs and maintain career trajectories, along with the socio-economic burden of life-long hearing loss.
About Ting Therapeutics
Founded in 2018, Ting Therapeutics is developing a pipeline of novel and repurposed drug candidates to prevent and treat hearing loss due to a variety of causes, including chemotherapy and antibiotic drugs, noise, and age. The Company believes that repurposing FDA-approved drugs with other indications represents a cost-effective and expeditious approach for drug development, while developing novel molecules allows for the development of molecules with improved clinical properties.
Contact: Jian Zuo, PhD, Co-Founder/CEO, Ting Therapeutics, 9310 Athena Circle, San Diego, CA 92037. jianzuo@tingtherapeutics.com
Ting Therapeutics Identifies Drugs Protecting Against Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
- Early Proof of Concept Obtained in Animal Models
- Published in Science Advances (Impact Factor 13.6)
San Diego, CA June 21, 2024– Ting Therapeutics, a privately-held company focused on advancing novel and repurposed molecules to address multiple causes of hearing loss, published new findings relating to noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) in today’s issue of the prestigious journal Science Advances (Impact Factor of 13.6), in a research paper entitled “In Silico Transcriptome-based Screens Identify Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitors as Therapeutics for Noise-induced Hearing Loss”. The journal also highlighted this paper as its featured article.
As described in the publication, Dr. Jian Zuo, Co-Founder and CEO of Ting Therapeutics, and his colleagues screened a recently developed Connectivity Map (CMap) to identify 22 biological pathways active in the pathophysiology of NIHL. Further research identified 64 drugs that can potentially be used to treat NIHL through these pathways, and early proof-of-concept data was obtained in animal models in vivo. Oral delivery of identified drugs exhibited acceptable inner ear pharmacokinetics in mice and was shown to attenuate EGF/EGRF signaling involved in the development of NIHL. Finally, combination of different drugs achieved synergistic effect. These findings are the subject of recent patent filings by Ting Therapeutics.
This work was supported, in part, by a Department of Defense grant to Ting Therapeutics.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), hearing loss affects at least 10% of the world population, amounting to over 700 million people. The major causes include NIHL, pharmaceuticals such as certain chemotherapy and antibiotic agents, and aging. In particular, NIHL represents a major unmet need for which no FDA-approved drugs are available.
About Ting Therapeutics
Founded in 2018, Ting Therapeutics is developing a pipeline of novel and repurposed drug candidates to prevent and treat hearing loss due to a variety of causes, including NIHL and chemotherapy and antibiotic drug-induced hearing loss. The Company believes that repurposing FDA-approved drugs with other indications represents a cost-effective and expeditious approach for drug development, while developing novel molecules allows for the development of molecules with improved clinical properties.
Contact: Jian Zuo, PhD, Co-Founder/CEO, Ting Therapeutics, 9310 Athena Circle, San Diego, CA 92037. jianzuo@tingtherapeutics.com
December 4, 2023 Invited Talk: MaGIC Clinical Research Webinar
- Title: Developing drugs against cisplatin ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity
- Speaker: Dr. Jian Zuo, Ting Therapeutics
November 16, 2023 Invited Talk: MedTech Opportunity Meetup
- Pitch deck for Ting Therapeutics
- Speaker: Dr. Jian Zuo, Ting Therapeutics
November 2&3, 2023 Contract Review: National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) at the NIH
- Reviewer: Dr. Yunlong Huang, Ting Therapeutics
October 17, 2023 Invited Talk: MaGIC GCT Biology Webinar
- Title: Developing drugs against cisplatin ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity
- Speaker: Dr. Jian Zuo, Ting Therapeutics
September 27, 2023 Keynote Speech: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Auditory Medicine Symposium, Shanghai, China
- Title: Drug Development to Prevent Hearing Loss
- Speaker: Dr. Jian Zuo, Ting Therapeutics
August 29-31, 2023 Boston, MA, 3rd Annual Inner Ear Disorders Therapeutics Summit
- Conference Chair: Dr. Jian Zuo, Ting Therapeutics
- Conference Presentation: Repurposing drugs against hearing loss, Dr. Yunlong Huang, Ting Therapeutics
Firm Receives Funding for Clinical Trials of New Medical Therapies
360 million people worldwide suffer from hearing loss. Our team of scientists and researchers at Ting Therapeutics discovered that there are new drugs that could potentially prevent hearing loss.